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What is the emergency contraceptive or morning after pill? #sex_education

Hey! Tell me you didn't perform an unprotected sex with your partner and now you are all worried about her getting pregnant? You are now browsing the effectiveness of the emergency contraceptive or morning after pill. You are seeking for hints online that will help calm your nerves that the pill you took has effectively worked, aren't you? 

"OK than, before reading any further, I strongly recommend to always use safe and reliable contraception every time if you are not planning for a pregnancy".

Well, I will suggest you to relax and calm yourself a little because in this post I will clarify all your Q, related to the contraceptive pills. Fist, to calm your nerves, let me tell you that you or your girl will not get pregnant* if the contraceptive pill is administered immediately within 24 hours. The chances of her getting pregnant is greatly reduced to less than 5 percent. The chart below briefly describes the effectiveness of the pill:

As you can see effectiveness of the pill is not 100 percent. But, the chances of getting pregnant is also slim. So, be calm and don't worry too much and let the pill do its work.
Next up is the Q, how do we know if the pill has worked? The answer to this is also variable and there is actually no way of knowing if the pill has actually worked until the onset of your or your girl's next periods. The following things can be expected out of the ordinary after taking a contraceptive pill:
  • You or your girl might have withdrawal bleeding or spotting before your actual periods after taking the pill, somewhere in between 5 to 10 days after pill administration. But, hey! Don't freak out if don't have one. There are cases when no withdrawal bleeding occurs and the pill administration was successful.
  • You or your girl's period might get delayed and this will definitely freak you out of the nightmare that the pill didn't work. But, hey! You should stop jumping to conclusions right away. The pill disturbs the hormonal balance within the woman's body. So, a delayed period of a few days to a week is also expected. (Read: How to confirm pregnancy? if the period is missed.)
  • You or your girl might have heavy periods, and it is also normal. So, relax!
  • Of course the side effects might include fatigue, headache, dizziness, breast tenderness etc.
Now, for the note:
The contraceptives like morning after pill should be only used in case of emergency and it must never be substituted with the safe and conventional precautions like 'condoms'. The above practice does not guarantee 100% protection from unwanted pregnancy because the menstrual cycle is many a times unpredictable. If your really sucks, you might get pregnant even after pill administration. But, hey! don't freak out. People luck are not this bad, specially not yours. Just hold on to your nerves and try to relax till you or your girl's next period. You can worry after that ;-).
You might find this Q, interesting! What is the best time to have unprotected sex?


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